So school has started, it's been two weeks already. But it feels longer than that. SO many things happened with me renting a new room, turned out I got lied to, moved out, stayed with my awesome friends while I looked for a new place, registering my courses and having a bit of a problem there, found a new place, checked it out, liked it, bought a mattress and a coffee table at IKEA, moved in, plane went missing, haze showed up and yeah, that's about it.
I love my classes this semester (except for computer programming that is), I don't know, maybe the fact that they aren't science subjects that makes them so appealing haha. I still question myself sometimes if science is the right thing for me since my results aren't that great to begin with. But then again, I've been studying science since... forever (why am I still bad at it?!) that I can't see myself doing anything else. And given that this is going to be my last semester (insha Allah please please pray for me), I guess I shouldn't really doubt that decision anymore.
Anyways, I wonder what's new with everyone? I'm still me, or perhaps I don't notice the changes myself but I've been trying to change or discard of some bad habits that I know of. It takes a lot of effort aahh but insha Allah it's worth it. I mean, I like this place called comfort zone and it's called comfort zone for a very good reason, that sometimes, we don't get out of it in fear that we won't find something better. We'll never find out now huh if we keep holding ourselves back.
Before school started I had quite a depressing week, I was thinking too much and not doing anything to change that. I confided in a friend about what I'm feeling. Most of it was just me feeling like a failure. Like I'm a student but I'm not a brilliant one. I'm a daughter but I'm not doing a very good job at it. And ultimately, I'm a Muslim but I can't be a good one. Lol I know, what a wreck. Alhamdulillah, that was a few weeks ago and I'm feeling better already, it's just one of those feelings that occasionally distract me and leaving me with despair (come on now shaitaan, this isn't funny anymore). Alhamdulillah for good friends, always reminding me of a bigger purpose, of this challenging journey, and of Eternal Home. Alhamdulillah.
Okay gonna order pizza now, insha Allah. Take care!
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